Ora, Ora

Parece que você tem um Bloqueador de Anúncios ativo, e quem não usa?

Contudo a Agatha Edu se mantém essencialmente com a renda gerada por anúncios, desativa aí rapidinho, parça. 😀

According to the second paragraph, a change in vegetation can be noticed by

Questões de Conhecimentos Gerais Unesp 2021-2

According to the second paragraph, a change in vegetation can be noticed by

  1. the expansion of trees adapted to drier climate conditions.
  2. the reduction of nut tree population hit by three severe droughts.
  3. adaptation of vegetable species to longer months of dry season.
  4. alteration of tree locations, like growing closer to rivers.
  5. substantial decrease of Inga and Brazil nut trees.