Ora, Ora

Parece que você tem um Bloqueador de Anúncios ativo, e quem não usa?

Contudo a Agatha Edu se mantém essencialmente com a renda gerada por anúncios, desativa aí rapidinho, parça. 😀

The chart shows that the average share of population connected to internet

Questões de Conhecimentos Gerais Unesp 2021-1

The chart shows that the average share of population connected to internet

  1. does not make much difference in remote-learning type, considering all income groups.
  2. impacts significantly the segment of online-only learning both in the low and high income populations.
  3. is equivalent to radio only access in low-income population.
  4. is inversely proportional to income.
  5. is lower than expected among high-income population.